Monday, November 28, 2011

Sticking point : Literally "Sticking" Around.

I am having great time opening sets around. I went out yesterday with lot of hesitation but once I was on field I ended up opening a lot of sets. It fucking felt natural. :-) no anxiety what so ever. However, no closes. This is mainly because I think I am ejecting much before the magic happens. I need to keep on doing whatever I am doing. Basically, being funny/goofy/charming and stick around unless I am asked to leave the set. If there is interest I got to hang on and run it.
If I there is no interest/attraction I gotta remember Negs/Void/DHVs. :-).

Thursday, November 24, 2011

FR: Whacking Wednesday

Warning : Not so well written post. Bear with me.

It was really long, it almost felt like I had lost my game. And after
all the shit that happened with me in the past one year, life had
served me a hard lesson, practically. Anyways I been trying to find my
game back for quite some time now. But there is this terrible feedback
cycle that is associated with the bad game. You feel bad that you are
not meeting beautiful new people. Then you head to field. Since you
have not exercised your Game Muscle for quite sometime. You feel
jittery. You end up not doing any notable stuff and that indeed leads
to more frustration. Then you head back home feeling even less
confident. Net effect, lesser self confidence. You don't want to head
out in the field again. Two or three days you muster the courage go
out again and the cycle repeats and your self confidence hits a new
low. You try hard get out of this quicksand. The harder you try the
more deeper you sink. The only thing that will help is to go back to
BASICS and to be not afraid as starting as a total beginner.

Well that's what I have been doing for quite a few weeks now. But
success is a bitch it breaks you down before it meets you.
Last few weeks have been especially frustrating. But you determine and
be out there take hits after hits finally you will see the light.
Pretty much all we did for past few weeks was go out, feel anxiety,
Push through it, warm up with a set or two, really stick with basics
and work our ways up. Me and Rachit had been regularly going out these
days. And yesterday it was especially eventful.

We went out to Garuda. Warmed up a bit with two or three sets at west
side and Shopper stop. We usually stick with the indirect openers,
where is this place ? Where do we get nice thing(clothes/food/beer/
footwear....)? After opening a few set in clothing store just to warm
we hit the food court. I immediately notice this HB with really nice
hair and a great sense of dressing. I wanted to go direct but she
takes too long to get her food. I decided to chuck it and come back
sometime later when she has settled down in a table after getting her
plate. So head down stairs, as we are getting down we see this HB lets
say HBRT, a 6.5 - 7 perhaps but with a good sense of dressing. She
stepped onto escalator along with me. I was just a step behind her.

Me : Hey, do you know any shoe shop around here I need to get some
ladies shoes to present to my friend.

She : << Is being very polite and trying to tell me the available
options and brand and whatnot. I observe that Body lang is very
favorable. No IOIs and all>>

as we stepped off the escalator we take a few steps and stand. She is
full into helping me to buy the shoes. After a few lines of exchange
with me busting her bubbles a bit.

She : Anyways, I am not doing anything I can help you.

Now I am in a fix. I didn't really want to buy anything you know. But
then I wanted to stay in it.

Me : Actually you know what, I don't really want buy any stuff. I just
wanted to say you a Hi. I think you have beautiful eyes. What is your
name ?

She is all smiles. And immediately the IOIs starts flowing in.

She : xxxx

I tease her that her name matches to that of 90s bollywood actress. To
which she says that didnt like her. And I turn it by repeatedly
addressing her with the last name of the actress. And more IOIs
including hair flicks.

Me : You should not flick your hair like. You know what they say about
girls flicking their hair right.

She : What ?

Me : That means you are attracted to the guy. Lets go for a coffee.

At the coffee shop she mainly talks about her college and gives me
shit about her classmates speaking in Hindi in bad way. And how she is
grownup in hi-fi boarding schools around India and how she can't cope
up with these new classmates. Frankly its a turn off. I didnt find any
connection, but any which ways I date close her.

Me: What are you doing tomorrow evening ?

She : pretty much nothing.

Me : Let's catch up for a movie. It can't happen in the afternoon as I
have to work however evenings I am free.

She : Sure why not ?

Me : Ok then give me you number I will call you tomorrow and let you
know the plan.

She : OK here it is xxxxxxxxxxxx.

We chat for some more and I realized that I had completely forgotten
about Rachit. I exit saying that I had to meet my friend. And I take
her leave.

When I catch up with Rachit. I find out that this fucker was in a
Insta-date too. It was the same chick whom I had eyed in the
cafeteria. Way to go bro... but I still hate you for not leaving her
for me. you fucker :-).

We went around for some more time didn't find any more open-able sets.
We exit and head back home with feeling of warmth and higher self

Meanwhile, I am not sure if I have to follow up on the movie date. I
don't feel like. I might flake :-). :P.

PS: one-itis or no one-itis, work or no work never, don't fucking
loose your game. All keep the Social muscle exercised. Being a guy you
have to keep your skills sharp and believe me being able to seduce
people anytime anywhere is one huge skill that guys ought to have.