Friday, July 11, 2008

Eye Contact

Imagine you are on the street going about on your daily business. You see this cute girl coming from the other side of the footpath. At first you don't really notice anything. Then at about 10 meters away you can actually see how beautiful she is. You initiate an eye contact. Within a second or so her gaze fixes on you and held there for a bit longer than required. With in those few moments your heart beats race up to 150. Without your notice your breathing has deepened and you freeze, not knowing what to do.

Have you been in the above situation before. I have been a there a zillion times. Every time, its the same. OK OK I admit a few times I have ran back to her and introduced myself. But for most of the guys its pretty much the same unless if the guy has a severe case of hormonal imbalance. I thought about whats actually happening in this situation. Basically when you see a beautiful girl there is an attraction spike (u know that, "WOW she's gorgeous" thingie) but once she gives you an EC the attraction spike is multiplied by a factor of 5 or 6. All of a sudden you are excited and she appears much more attractive than before. And thats the power of EC when it comes to attraction games. And I bet my dime, its the same story on the other side as well.

I always wondered why in the dance classes (salsa classes) the hottest chick fell for me (its a different thing that I messed up down the line). Even me without bothering to game them. I thought I was a good dancer and girls were charmed by my super sexy movements. But the truth, I was a so so dancer. But, I am very passionate about dancing. And I always looked my partner dead in the eye with a very slight smile (NOT a 32 bit smile). And the smile is very important or the EC would become a STARE. I never knew (until today) that EC would have such a strong effect. I made an EC, because I really felt the passionate while dancing (towards the dance i.e;). And a great EC was a natural thing to do for me on the dance floor. But the EC created such a intense attraction that some girls just gave a shy smile and looked down with uttering the line "hey please don't look at me like that". And even some of the most confident girls have melted down before the EC. And even in the LTR, a great EC is just enough to melt her bitchiness away and create instant attraction.

Probably only the most confident of guys can Hold an intense EC. Just like the alpha of the wolf pack staring every other member of the pack to submission. However its never an easy thing to do. The urge to look away and break the EC is intense at times(Oh yeah.. think back u will find out). However the reward for holding one is immense. Pure attraction guaranteed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lose it like a man

Just back from Poland. And the experience was awesome. I was all alone.. So was it took a great deal of energy and effort to keep myself motivated and de-stressed. Nevertheless I enjoyed the beautiful country and of course the beautiful girls. I could not get hold of any Polish guys as wings, though this would have helped a whole deal in skyrocketing my game. I had contacted the Polish lair, but its as good as dead not even a single reply to my messages. I guess with the amount of beautiful women they have and considering the sex ratio, Polish guys need not be players.

Though I wanted to do street game. My AA and lack of wings had a very bad effect on my Mojo. This is bad, I should be able to be in control of my Mojo and it should depend on anything else. Not quite there but slowly getting there. Anyways, but clubs were a different thing. The very atmosphere of club made clubs ease for me. Way to easy than Indian club scene. Even though all alone by myself, I got approached and turned out not so bad for me. But, I wont write about all that 'coz there was nothing I did or learnt from the whole 'girls game me' stuff. But one thing that worked definitely in my favor, I was definitely working the room. Even had a Pivot who encouraged me to approach girls. And I was natural... no canned material at all. Yes thats where I wanted to be.

The last night rocked for me. All I approached was two sets and both of them rocked. Actually I approached three, third set was pointed out by a pivot and it blew up even before I approached. Anyways, on to good set.

As soon as I walk into the club, hit the bar and grab my usual favorite drink. Water on the rocks i.e :P. See a two set on a table by the speaker. I know bad logistics. But approached it without even thinking about it. As I walk towards the set. One of the girls gives me eye contact. I ask them "if I can join them" and join them without even waiting for their permission. Although the girls were hesitant on approach they chilled later. But I learnt a thing "Polite by words, cocky by BL", nice way to project the BadboyGentleMan attitude eh!!
The music is so loud that we cant even talk to each other. Just few HIs cheers and name exchange and I just lay back and enjoy the music. And the girl who is farthest starts giving me IOIs and trying to fluff with me. Before I could take it to anywhere the obstacle finishes her drinks and drags the target to go get another.

I spot another two set. As I get up. The target vanishes to the bar. I walking anyways and introduce my self to the obstacle. Who is not very open. I learn that she doesn't talk that much English. I don't let it bother me and sit there with her not even speaking word, yet sitting there confidently. Right then the target comes-in. Without missing a beat I say a Hi to her and intro myself and lay-back and chill. And Gosh its On IOIs, this one is trying to fluff as well. I was just wonder what laid back attitude can do with seated sets. Its amazing to have them open you. I pull my chair beside that target. We fluff exchange stories. She give me more IOIs. And even ask me if I want any drinks (on her i.e. I love women who offer to buy me things.. I really do with respect). I just get my "Water on the Rocks" refilled. SOI time... "I really like you 'coz, you are the first women in recent past, who has offered to buy me a drink. And that classy behavior. I like it." To which more IOI come from her side. She mentions that she has a boyfriend, I don't let it bother me and even tell that I have a girl friend too. Exchange pics of our partners. But still I can see the IOIs coming. All these while even the target doesn't speak much English. I tried to keep her entertained as well. Cheering the toasts and stuff like that.

All was going well. Until the obstacle says that she really wants to dance but didn't want the table to be gone. And could I "Please" be at the table when they are out there dancing. I knew at that point that I should not agree. But I did agree ... just for sake of being polite. That was end game. I must have got it that its a shit test and replied politely something to the effect of
"This is the first and last time I am keeping tables for you, and thats just 'coz u bought me a drink. You have just 10 minutes at the dance floor ;-)" that would have been so alpha. But lesson, "If you are loosing, lose like a man" was so evident. It happened the other night as well. The HB who approached me and after a while of chatting and dancing, asked me to buy her a drink and I obliged... end game.

Lessons :
"If you are loosing, lose like a man"
Polite by words, cocky by BL", nice way to project the BadBoyGentleMan attitude
"Work the room... always"

As I was writing this article, I came up with a beautiful thought. I will leave you guys for now with the thought.

"A Player is an AFC who doesn't mind being rejected again and again."

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hooked this one from TSB. So All credits to Brad Howard of the TSB. This guys rocks. I used to be a big time teaser and the guy who gave hard time to ladies. I have gone bad with this stuff. I definitely need a re-entry.
Here is the siht.

Teasing works BEST with women that you already know… or that you’ve just met through a circle of friends (especially if you have a bit of notoriety amongst the group for being a fun guy).

Here’s the thing about teasing though, that I DON’T condone.

It might work for some, but I don’t usually use it.

Don’t use teasing to “knock” a woman down.

For instance, you might hear tell you to say, “You know, everything is working for you tonight EXCEPT those shoes… where did you get those?”

Is there a way to say this so that it works? Absolutely.

Would I RECOMMEND that you try it if you’re a rookie at the whole “teasing” game?


And here’s why.

A woman’s ego is like a glass house and teasing in this way COULD be like throwing a ROCK into it.

She feels uncomfortable now… and the conversation takes a negative tone.

The WHOLE POINT of teasing is to make the woman FEEL GOOD by being around you.

It’s meant to be fun.

“Setting up TEASE BAIT”

Teasing is no fun if only one person is doing it. So, many times, I’ll throw out some self-depreciating humor as BAIT to get the ball rolling.

(The KEY to self-depreciating humor is that although you’re a strong, confident guy… you don’t take yourself so seriously)

So maybe I’ll tell a fun story that people can laugh at (like the time I locked myself out of my hotel room NAKED and had to walk down to the desk NAKED to get another key) and then ACCUSE people of having similar stories, but they are just to scaredto tell anyone about them.

This works REALLY well. On closer look, the reason this works is because people (women) can see how SECURE you are with yourself because MOST men would NEVER tell a story in which THEY were the one being made fun of.

Again, POWERFUL STUFF here. I use this ALL the time.

“The Accusational Tease”

This one is FUN.

Basically, all you’re doing is ACCUSING the other person of trying to do something that YOU want to happen.

Let’s say that you want to ask a person out on a date (bland, yeah I know… haha).

So you say:

“Yeah, yeah, I get it… Look, if you wanna ask me out, just say so. You don’t have to keep beating around the bush. Who knows, if you get on one knee and smile really pretty… I MIGHT even say yes…”

Her: “I AM NOT!”

You: “It’s okay, really… it won’t make you a lesser person (smile).

Her: “(maybe changing subject)”

You: (laughing) “You can change the subject if you want, butjust remember that I KNOW (point to head), what you’re up to…You may continue… (smile, wink)

This also works well if you want to take it to a sexual level.

You: “Whoa, Nelly… I know you’re just trying to get me drunk so you can take me home and do dirty things to me. (smile)

Her: “Whatever, I am not”

You: “Man, why is it that every woman thinks that she can buy you a drink and then try to get in your pants. Here’s a hint, Missy… (whisper) it’s gonna take more than one (smile)

Guys, keep in mind that these ARE NOT serious conversations. They are tongue in check and playful.

Using the accusational tease is a SURE way to get her to give you a “love tap”… or punch on the arm… or a light shove.

To which you can reply:

“Dang, feeling me up already and we just got here… geez…”

“The Frame-Banging Tease”

Okay, I couldn’t think of a better term for this but here’s the gist of it.

Say your woman, or even a woman that you just met has had a really rotten day… but you want some sex… because, well, you’re a guy and that’s what guys want.

Here’s what you do:

Her: “Man, I’ve had such a shitty day… (blah, blah, this is what happened)”

You: (Smiling) “Wow, I never expected YOU to let (someone/something) get under your sking like this. What would you do if I lost my hair all of the sudden, would that mean you wouldn’t hang out any more. I TOTALLY expected more out of you”

(You’re doing this to show her that it’s CRAZINESS for her to feel like she’s feeling… naturally, we can go on and on with this but I hope you get my drift.)

If she doesn’t snap out of her funk with this, we now have to employ our most SECRET WEAPON…

“The Tickle Tease”

NOTHING changes the tone of a conversation faster than some “good ole” tickling.

Start slow at first. Like a little bit.

You: (Smiling) “Are you going to get in a better mood… huh… are you?

Her: “Stop it!”

You: (tickling) “Are you in a better mood yet? Tell me I’m the greatest ever… who’s your buddy… who’s your pal… (okay, so I stole that from “Stripes”… shoot me)

Then you just start kissing and BLAMMO!

Bumming Monkeys Time.

Wow, I can’t believe I just said BLAMMO… haha

(The above statement is a great example of self depreciating humor, by the way)

“Physical Teasing”

Before I end this, because I could literally go on for ever on this topic… physical humor and teasing ROCKS.

For example, bring back the old school “You’ve Got Something On Your Shirt” gag… where you point at a spot on her shirt and when she looks down, you bonk her nose with your finger.

That always works great.

Or… and this is always fun.

If you’re walking side by side and there is a physical object on her side… slowly start walking her into it. That’s fun too.

I also like walking up behind my woman and “shanking” her if she has on sweats or loose shorts in the house… and then ACT like I’m gonna do it when we’re out in public. Fun Stuff.

Teasing is a fun way to build attraction and BOOKS have been written on the subject.

It’s the ULTIMATE way of flirting and getting her to chase you, all while showing your strength as a man.

Here’s my final tip on teasing… and pay attention because this is important.

When you are teasing a woman, maybe sure that it’s fun for HER… but that you are ALSO AMUSING YOURSELF at the SAME TIME.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people ask me:

“You just trip yourself out don’t you”

Me: “Absolutely, I can’t help the fact that almost everyone else in life is lame. I like to think of it as “playing with myself” without all the mess. You should try it sometime instead of living in “lame-o land”. (smiling, laughing… Note: Having fun, with a touch of self depreciation as well)

That’s it. I’m done.