Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Concise guide to C Q C Method.

This method was developed by the LV based PUA Matt Artisan. I picked it up from his lead instructor Josiah.

CQC stands for Complement -> Qualify -> Close.

And at before each stage we do a Time constraint.
So on expanding it becomes :

TimeConstraint -> Complement -> TimeConstraint -> Qualify -> Timeconstraint -> Close

And this method would work out even better if we "Pace" each stage.

Timeconstraint -> Pace -> Complement -> Timeconstraint -> Pace -> Qualify -> Timeconstraint -> Pace -> Close.

Complement Statement
    A statement which complements the person.

    - I really think you are cool. I had to come say a Hi to you atleast
    - I think you are attractive. I had to come meet you.
    - I really love your sense of style. I had to come say hi and pick your fashion brain.
    - I saw you laughing and I had come say to you that you have a million dollar smile. Hi my name is XXXX

Qualifying line.
    A statment that make the person qualify herself/himself to you. You are trying to find if the person you are interacting matches up to your statndards. If you are to hang out with the person again you have to see that she/he is cool enough. Only if you find them cool enough you are going to close them.

    - Are you fun ? What do you do around here for fun.. coz I can only hang out with fun people.
    - Tell me a cool thing about yourself ?
    - What are you really passionate about ?
    - Whats the most spontaneous thing you have done so far in your life?

Qualfication shows that
    You have standards.
    You are trying to see if she is interesting enough for you.
    You want something more than what just her beauty.
    YOu are different than average joe.


    A way to formally end the interaction. With/without way of meeting up in the future.

    - It was really cool meeting you. Have a nice day. (Not setting up a future meetup )
    - I would love to talk to you again. We should exchange numbers.
    - I loved meeting you ... what are doing during this weekend ? (make plans to meet her again)

Time Constraint Statement

    A statement  which represents a time crunch that you cannot interact with the person forever. And the interaction should proceed very quickly.

Examples :
    Complement stage:
    - Hey real quick.
    - One second
    - Just a moment
    - I don't have much time but..
    - Quickly

    Qualify stage:
    - Before I go ...
    - I gotta go now but..

    Close Stage:
    - I gotta really catch up with my friend now.   
    - I have really run now.
    - I wish I had all day to chat u up but I have to go now

Time constraints are designed to
    Make you appear non-threatening (as you are about to leave all the time ;P).
    Make you look busy.
    Make for a quick set. 
    Reverse Psychology : People want something that is in shortage (like in this case your time.)

Pacing Statement:
    A statment which acknowledges the reality of the situation and tells the set that you quite understand their situation. And show your situation awareness.

    Complement stage:
    - I don't intend disturb/interrupt you but...
    - This might sound a bit random...
    - I know you are shopping here but..
    - I saw you walking by and ...
    - I noticed that you are waiting for your friends..

    Qualification stage :
    - You seem like a person who is into several cool stuff.
    - It appears to me that you are an avid reader/bookworm
    - I noticed that you have a good sense of style...
    - I can hang out with only cool people.

   Close :
    - This might seems a bit forward of me.
    - You know in a big city the chances of meeting an interesting person again is virtually null. We should keep in touch.
    - I usually don't do this...

Pacing statements are designed to

    Ease your way into the set.
    Smoothly transition into next phase of the set
    Bring up a new topic into conversation.
    Show you situational awareness and ease the awkward tension in the set.

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