Monday, May 26, 2008

A funny set

I want to write about a funny set that we did on Friday.

Me and PBR. We both were hanging out on Brigade Road. We saw a Chinki Lonewolf standing all by herself. Not too great just about 6-6.5.

I nudge PBR to open it for Kicks. So we went indirect, with something like "Where is this Place ?". To which she says that she doesn't know.

Its PBRs first set of the day. And he is all set to eject. I sense that and drop a lil Hydrogen Bomb.

"The only reason we approached you is 'coz my friend kinda likes you and wanted a reason to come and talk to you.;-)".

She smiles. Not like "welcome I am all yours, sarge me" kinda smile. But more like a Polite smile. So PBR like continues with a routine. Which she was not into, 'coz she only checked her mobile all thru the routine. We grab her phone saying that its a nice phone and want to check it. We bust on her about how common that model is.

As, soon as I return the phone she calls her friends and asks them to come fast. PBR is all set to eject.. inspite of getting eyecoded for close. I get that PBR is not very much into her and won't go for close. Drake says something like "Gimme your number, we will hang out sometimes". The lonewolf went silent. So I push a bit more. Take my phone out and say something like "So your number is 9.." She gives in and tells me her digits.

As I was punching her number. I notice a Chinki male who peered over my shoulder and walked away and waited in distance. After I get the number, the lone wolf rushes off and joins the Chinki guy. And thus it occurs to us that its her boy friend. In front of whom we number closed his girl. Now, I know for sure that this is not a solid close. But what the heck.. it was at least worth a hearty laugh.

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