Usually don't hitch-hike. Earlier used to feel that its weird asking a stranger to do you a favor by dropping me off to some destination. Social anxiety of making a fool out of myself if I am not acknowledged. But, wait a minute... what would I think if somebody else would ask me for a 'lift'. Depending on my mood I would either be happy to help them out or I will be 'neutral' and just move on. Certainly, I wouldn't think anything bad about the person asking me a favor. And I reckon, other people would be thinking on same lines as well.
I can find parallels in the PU stuff. If somebody were to approach me and chat me up 'coz they like me (no other intention behind it.. or at least they aren't hiding their intentions). It would only make me happy. Doesn't same apply to picking up chiks ??? Chicks would be happy, 'coz they are appealing to the opposite sex.
Ooopppppsss !! off track :-). Back to the hitch-hike story. The other day I happened to ask for 'lift' from this motorcyclist. Looks like he is in his 40s. He stops and I hop on his bike.
Man : Where do you want to go ? ( Well it sounded like tamilized English :-)
Intution. I felt that this guy might be a follower of Christianity.
Me : Can you pls drop me to xxx place up ahead ??
Man : Sure, I am going in the same direction.
Me : Great sir.... I am Preetham and your name sir.
Man : I am David.
After this initial conversation there was an awkward silence. I know that we have to talk or its gonna get more awkward. But there is this initial hitch ... kinda like AA thats stopping me from opening my mouth. I come up with various ridiculous reasons for not to talk to him.
"Well he is biking and I shouldn't be disturbing him"
"I'll talk to him when he stops at the next signal"
After about two minutes of rationalize my silence I decide to 'fuck it' and talk to him anyways. I try to do a small talk about about his work, where he currently heading, his work timings and stuff. But, all of this comes out like I am interviewing him. He is not warming up to the conversation ( OK OK community lingo ... . 'Opening Up':-).
After about 1 more minute of awkward silence.
Me : Sir, you know what ? I had this intuition about you, the moment I met you.
Man : hmmm...
Me : I don't know why I felt it... But I certainly felt that you are a follower of Christianity.
Man : May be my name is Christian name.
Me : No No... even before that... when you just asked me as to where u can drop me off. I had the intuition that you might be a Christian.
Man : May be its my accent and my appearance.
Me : Possibly yeah.
After this point the guy is opened up. Further we talked about family/native place/traveling/friends etc. Basically no silence was awkward from then on. And I didn't have any issue asking him any 'normal' questions, neither did he.
Looking back at it. I can see, its a warm read. Warm read ??? Well, its like cold read. But unlike the cold read, the information being 'read' is already know or its obvious. In the above case, I warm read him of being a follower of Christianity. The information was so obvious from his name and all I have to do it was just say that I intuitively knew that he was Christian already.
I don't exactly know if I am generalizing things based on a single case or not. But, it obviously helps to strengthen the connection with the person being warm read. I have to test this out on a few sets before I can say it for sure. In the meanwhile, lemme know what do you guys think about this ?
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